Culemborg (NL)

PDS office address is the training location:

Parallelweg Oost 13a
4103 NC  Culemborg
The Netherlands.

Transport by car:

There is free parking available nearby the surroundings of our offices. Please consult the map below to find the best spots.

gratis parkeren PDS

Public transportation:

PDS' offices are located 50m opposite of trainstation "Culemborg"; PDS can be found on the second floor.

To check your trainschedule to station Culemborg, please visit

Dutch Railway website

For convenience, download the app "reisplanner" Reisplanner logofrom your Android or iOS app store. 

Take the train to station "Culemborg". Walk to the main exit and cross the road. PDS offices are situated right in front of you.


Book a flight to Schiphol Airport and take the train to station "Culemborg" (a 45-60 minute trip) and follow the instructions above. The train station of departure is located at Schiphol Airport and you will need to transfer trains on Utrecht Central Station.