Participation Conditions

Course Participation Conditions

Article 1. Participation

1.1. Your reservation will only be accepted by returning the online course registration-form to Professional Development Systems B.V., Paralellweg Oost 13a, 4103 NC  Culemborg, The Netherlands or by email providing the relevant registration information.
1.2. Written participation to the course is final, unless you received from Professional Development Systems B.V. (PDS) other information.

Article 2. Cancellation

2.1. If you are not able to attend the course you must inform PDS in writing; you may transfer your place to one of your colleagues. This transfer has to be final within 5 working days before the first day of the course.
2.2. Cancellation can only be done in writing to PDS. The date PDS receives your cancellation is referred to as the date of cancellation.
2.3 Unfortunately, it is not possible to transfer cancelled registrations to a future session of the same course. You will have to re-register with PDS for this course.

Article 3. Refunding course fee

3.1. 100% of the course fee is refunded when your written cancellation is in the possession of PDS, with a maximum of 20 working days before the start of the course.
3.2. 50% of the course fee is refunded when your written cancellation is in the possession of PDS between 10 and 20 working days before the start of the course.
3.3. Refunding of the course fee is not possible when your cancellation is done from 10 working days before the start of the course
3.4. Attention: due to longer term commitments, when registering for a class with a clearly non-NL based unique instructor (for example: Sami Laiho, Kent Agerlund, Tim Mangan) the single cancelation term for a 100% refund is 2 calender months before the start of the course.

Article 4. Payment conditions

4.1. The fee for the course is stated at the course-description pages. The fee includes course material and daily lunches, excluding V.A.T.
4.2. To participate to a course, the course fee is to be pre-paid to PDS. The total fee should be in the possession of PDS 5 working days, before the first day of the course.
4.3. The course fee is to be transferred to the bank account of PDS; description: "course-code & date" or the relevant PDS invoice number.
4.4. Registrations 10 working days before the start of the course can only be process with credit card payment / immediate wire transfer.
4.5. If the payment conditions above are not obeyed, PDS is entitled to deny access of the student to the course until the student has balanced his account with PDS.

Article 5. Changes in time and place

5.1. All students will be informed in time by PDS if a change in time and place will take place.
5.2. If PDS, due to insufficient demand, is not able to provide the course at the scheduled time and/or place, PDS will not be liable to provide any form of compensation to the student. PDS will inform the student in time when and where the alternative course will take place.
5.3. If PDS, due to forces beyond the control of PDS, is not able to provide the course at the scheduled time and/or place, PDS will not be liable to provide any form of compensation to the student. PDS will inform the student in time when and where the alternative course will take place.

Article 6. Limited warranty

6.1. If PDS, due to forces beyond the control of PDS, is not able to provide the course at the scheduled time and/or place, and an alternative course-date is not provided, the course fee will be refunded to the students.
6.2. PDS is not liable to compensate any damage. Our liability is limited in the aggregate to the course fee.

Article 7. Copyright and ownership right of course material

7.1. PDS owns the intellectual and industrial rights of the supplied course material.
7.2. The student is licensed to use the course material for him personally. He/She is not licensed to copy and/or give the material to third parties.

Article 8. Applicability of these terms

8.1. By submitting the above course registration-form, the student agrees to be bound by the above terms.
8.2. The above terms apply to PDS and the student unless explicitly stated different.